Wednesday 13 June 2012

My Little Pony Bikes

So...we might be a little obsessed with My Little Pony over here.  And not just my kids.  I like it too, maybe more than they do.  I've been forced to cut back on how many episodes we are allowed to watch in a day.  But what to do when we can't watch tv?

The short Edmonton summer is upon us, the sun is shining, we need to get outside.  We should ride our bikes.  OUR BRAND NEW MY LITTLE PONY BIKES. This summer just got 20% cooler.

Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash

AWESOME!!  I want one too.  My kids love riding their favorite ponies.  Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are lovin' riding around. Fluttershy might need to make an appearance.

Rainbow Dash Full Shot.

And here's Apple Jack (is that one word or two?)  I should know that. 

Some other fun shots.

These ponies worked so hard they had to take a break.
All the neighborhood kids are totally jealous.  Why wouldn't they be?  These bikes are literally awesome.

More Stuffies!

Here is the other stuffy I made for my friend.

The Monkey

The drawing.

The Stuffy.


I made some stuffies and sent them off for a friend from her kid's artwork.  I think they turned out really cute.  Take a look.

The Dragon

This was the drawing for the dragon.  It's a really good drawing. Here is the stuffy.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Flat Front Pants - MADE

Another project from MADE.  This time for Sam.  I've been thinking of making these for a while and finally found something in my stash that I thought would work.  I don't have a lot of boy fabric as it turns out. 

But I found an old shirt of Matt's in my "mending" pile.  It's been there for a few years.  Because it wasn't actually mendable.  So, it was time to repurpose it.

Just now realized that I didn't take a picture of the back.  I used the existing pocket from the shirt for a back pocket on the pants.  I have mixed feelings.  I like the pocket, but it doesn't have the black contrasting thread like the rest of the pants, which I really like.

The fabric is sort of silky and smooth.  Sam liked them.  He doesn't really like jeans, which is why I wanted to make these for so long.  I might make a few adjustments for future pants.  The front is bunching funny.  See below.  Maybe it's just the way he's standing.

And one more project off my list.  Too bad I found at least 3 more today.  Not going to make progress at that rate.  I guess that's not the point though.  No projects?  What fun is that?

Sunday 11 September 2011

A Couple Little Bags

My latest crafting project was a couple little bags.  A boy bag and a girl bag.  Prototypes for Super Saturday.  I think both turned out pretty cute.  Had to make a few adjustments along the way.  I suppose that's why you make a prototype. 

Meant to be church bags for the kids.  I sort of like the ruffly bag for myself.  My sister said I had to make the ruffles smaller for me.  Probably more subdued colors as well.

I just really like the ruffles.  Like Hailey's curtains.  Ruffles are cute.

Can't forget the boys though.  I like that you can see the bright green through the grommets.  Oh, I didn't get a picture of the back.. :(  There is some more decorative stitching on the back.  Horizontal lines.

In the end though, I think the ruffly bag will be too labour intensive for a super saturday craft.  I'll have to simplify it a bit.  Maybe just a plain tote with some fabric flowers or something.  Back to the drawing board.  Stay tuned for another go at the girl bag.  Hailey will probably get this one, so no loss there.  I guess not probably;  she will get this one, even though I really like it.  I'll make myself a different one.

Friday 9 September 2011

MADE's Warhol Dress - Finished

So, I did get the dress done and I don’t think I went overboard with embellishment.  Here are a few pics of the finished product. 

The neckline.  I like how this embroidery turned out.

The Bird.  I added a few more flowers.

I have a vision of a cute shirt with this same pattern.  Need to find appropriate fabric. 

Friday 2 September 2011

MADE’s Warhol Dress – In Progress

One of the blogs I really like is MADE.  She always has the cutest projects and a really aesthetically pleasing look.  One of the projects she made was called the Warhol dress.  I thought it was quite cute and she posted a tutorial for it found here. 
So I decided to give it a whirl.  Not too complicated.  Pattern provided.  Easy sewing project.  And it could have been.  Didn’t turn out that way.  Thus the Warhol dress is “in progress.” 

She recommended that you could just get a large man’s shirt and repurpose it into this dress.  Using the existing hem of the dress, one less step.  I’m all for that.  Well, the color shirt that Hailey liked wasn’t quite big enough.  If I try this again, I’ll make sure to get an extra large.  So, I had to adjust my plan.  And in the end I like how it turned out.  The shirt we bought was green, and I was going to use some brown knit I had in my stash for a contrasting band around the neck.  So I just reversed it.  Brown dress with green band.  Cute.
One problem that I encounter a lot when sewing for Hailey, is that she’s not nearly as excited about the prospect of getting new clothes as I am.  She never wants to try anything on.  Sometimes I wonder why she’s not very girly, and then I remember that I also wasn’t very girly as a young child.  Sorry Mom.  And I tend to sew a lot in the evening when she’s not available to try it on anyway.  So I sewed up the dress.  And being too lazy to walk up the stairs from the basement to consult the tutorial, made the sleeve openings a little too big.  Oops.  Well, still not having tried it on her, I moved on to embellishment.

I’d seen this book called doodlestitching with really cute embroidery. And I’d been wanting to try something, so thought that the dress would be a good place to do it.  And apparently no amount of embroidery is too much.  I just keep thinking, oh it would be cute if I added something here, or put another flower there.  What if I stitched something all the way around the hemline?
And somewhere in there I finally tried it on my child.  Way too big.  She was drowning in it.  Ughh.  I’d already embroidered around the band that I would have to take off and reposition to make it smaller.  Grrr.  On another day this would have stopped that project completely for a month or so before I came back to it.  When projects get hard or boring, I tend to bail.  I have lots of projects “in progress.”  But I wanted her to wear it on Sunday, so I was forced to carry on. 

In the end I didn’t have to take out any of the embroidery and I just have to sew that down and I’ll be almost right back to were I was.  Not too bad.  So this is where I’m at.  I’ll share the finished product hopefully by Monday.  And we can see how much more embellishing I do.